All Things Summer

We have had a lot going on for being stuck at home so much. We are learning to live in pandemic times and I pray that we are living it well. We are trying to teach the boys to take things in stride and to do the right thing always, even if it seems like no one else is.

So we started back at farmers market this year. We weren’t sure what it would look like this year so we didn’t grow quite as many vegetables. We are still taking baked goods in so along with bossing me around in the garden, Cade has started bossing me around in the kitchen too. I love to see his passion for these things so I only tease him that he is bossing me around. Although he is very particular about the care of his stuff.

Speaking of the garden, we have been so fortunate that the location of our gardens has been largely unaffected by the severe weather. The wind has caused a little trouble to it though. The wind coupled with the fact that we can apparently grow tomatoes really well, has brought to my attention that we need to invest in some sturdier cages or supports for next year. Any suggestions?

The elk came home yesterday too!! Cade isn’t a morning person but he was so excited to have it in our living room!! He talks to it and pets it frequently. He still has to name it though. We are so thankful to Tyson Brown with Rivers Edge Animal Artistry for the great job he did!!

And the pheasant chicks will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. They are growing nicely. We built them a brooder house using an old pickup box trailer. It works perfectly. Cade was excited by it and has now decided that if we use that for his chicken chicks too he can get more than 6! Big plans he has. He also now wants to raise pheasants. Not sure raising them to maturity is something we can tackle yet but I think he might have me convinced to let him get some pheasant chicks every year and raise them until we can release them into the wild.

So that’s our crazy farm life as of recently. We hope you are all able to make some positives out of staying at home more also.

Blessings. Lynnette

One thought on “All Things Summer

  1. Enjoyed seeing you at Farmers Market. The pheasant chicks look great and love your idea of the pickup box for a brooder house. They look very content. Good Job!


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